Ear bud pouch

I found this tutorial not very long ago via Ucreate. It is for making a little ‘Circle zip ear bud pouch’ (link). I figured, I have some scraps left over from my purple and black dress, why not make me one of those.. (Apart from the fact that I don’t own a mp3-player or thing that needs ear buds, but that’s.. not important, right?)

So I did, cut out the fabric last night, which was about 5 minutes of work. And just put the pouch under the machine. It was literally half an hour worth of work. The tutorial is so easy to follow, and the steps are clear and easy. It’s pretty much perfect.

I had a blue zipper and some purple leftovers and decided that using yellow would be even more colourful, since the body of the pouch was going to black. Here it is:

Earbud pouch

I gave it to my mother, since she has ear buds, and she quite liked it, so that was nice. Now when I ever come around to buying something that plays music for me, I’m make myself another one, since they can be whipped during lunch basically! I’d suggest this for an easy little project. Also, if you make it bigger you can put more stuff in it, a little purse of some kind. Whoo, can’t wait to try that one out.

Author: Luus

Sewing, knitting, reading and listening to lots of podcasts.

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